Oakland Tribune article
Rabbits in their new home at the Oakland Zoo:
OAS is working with the Oakland Children’s Zoo to educate the public about rabbits. The recently renovated Zoo has a very large “bunny” habitat. The area is located on a hill and has a large amount of space for them to burrow and an indoor unit for night time housing. OAS has many rabbits and will be providing 8 to 10 spayed/neutered bunnies to the Zoo to live in this beautiful enclosure. The Zoo will post information about OAS and encourage people to adopt a bunny from the Shelter rather than getting one from a breeder. The enclosure contains signage about what pet bunnies need, including lots of space, toys, and dietary requirements. The Zoo has also offered to allow OAS staff/volunteers to provide “rabbit care” workshops at the Zoo on a regular basis.
OAS will be sending 11 bunnies to the Zoo. Nine of these bunnies were stray rabbits that were captured by Oakland Animal Shelter volunteers at Laney College in Oakland. They will all get a chance to live together again at the Zoo. Here is a photo of them before being captured: