UPDATE 2/6/11: This is an update on one of our all time favorite “Happy Tails.” Beatrice and Simon were two dogs who met and fell in love at the Shelter. Luckily, a couple from Santa Rosa saw their adoption video online and adopted them together over a year ago!
The adopters emailed us to let us know that they added a new baby, Graham, to their “pack.” They emailed us and said “Simon and Beatrice are doing great with him. They REALLY like to lick his little feet and worry when he cries. They have also learned quickly what things belong to him and pretty much leave them alone at this point. Although it took Simon, who loves toys, a bit longer to stop stealing Graham’s stuffed animals. Good thing is that Graham couldn’t care less as they were all gifts that he is much too little to care about or appreciate. “
Beatrice and Simon with Graham
Beatrice and Simon heading to their new home over a year ago.
Video of Beatrice and Simon Meeting for the First Time at the Shelter